Ready for a game of pool? Knowing how to properly rack the balls guarantees that you're playing the game right before anyone takes their first shot. Though racking the balls is easy, there are some rules and nuances to be aware of.
To get started, place the 1-ball at the top of the rack. Then put two more balls in below. On the third row, place the 8-ball in the middle of the rack. Fill out the bottom corners of the rack with one solid ball and one strip ball.
Once these specific balls are in order, you can randomly place the rest of the balls to fill out the rack. When the balls are packed tightly, place the apex of the rack on the middle diamond on the pool table.
Lift the rack and you’re ready to get the game started! Check out the visual below for a play-by-play of the proper setup. Looking to update your pool table’s accessories? Check out the highest-quality ball sets and triangle ball racks in the game from Blatt Billiards.

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