One question that people ask when they are interested in purchasing a billiard table to play pool at home is “What is the professional pool table size?” If you have spent any time browsing pool tables, you have probably come across these common terms:
- Bar Box Tables
- Standard Pool Tables
- Regulation Tables
- Tournament Tables
- Professional Tables
The different pool tables are designed to meet different needs, such as fitting into a specific space and still leaving room to play pool.
Pool Table Height
Regardless of the type of pool table, to be considered a professional table the height of the table, as measured from the ground to the top of the pool table bed, must be between 29.25 and 31 inches. Furthermore, the pool table bed should be slate and be at least 1-inch thick.
Pool Table Dimensions
Pool table dimensions will vary depending on the size of the table. Therefore, it is essential to learn the differences between the different types of billiard tables to ensure you select the right size table for your home.
What Are Standard Pool Table Sizes?
Standard size pool tables are considered 7-foot, 8-foot, and 9-foot tables, as these are the most widely purchased sizes. However, it should be noted that there are also 6-foot, 10-foot, and 12-foot pool tables.
What Is a Bar Box Pool Table?
A Bar Box is usually a 7-foot table you’ll find in pool halls, pubs, gaming centers, and other public places. 7-foot tables are also good choices for beginners or when you have a limited amount of space in your home.
What Is a Tournament Table?
A tournament table is an 8-foot pool table. They are the best size to play on because the game is more challenging than playing on a 7-foot table. Most pool leagues will also use 8-foot tables. In addition, the majority of at-home pool tables are 8-foot tables.
What Is a Regulation Size Pool Table?
A regulation size pool table is one where the playing area is twice the length of the table's width. Additionally, there must be an equal distance between the pockets on the table. So, any size table from 6-foot to 12-foot could be considered a regulation size table as long as the length is double the width.
However, regulation tables also refer to 9-foot tables used for regulation tournaments like those you see on TV. A 9-foot table is frequently used because the larger size looks better on TV.
What Is a Professional Pool Table?
A professional pool table is another name used for a regulation billiards table. So, a professional table is a 9-foot table with a length twice its width and with pockets equally distanced from one another.
Why Larger Tables Are More Challenging
Professional pool tables offer more of a challenge than a Bar Box or 8-foot table. This is because there is more space on the playing area to spread the balls out, so they do not cluster together. Therefore, if you want more of a challenge when playing pool, you should consider a 9-foot regulation tournament professional size pool table.
What Professionals Look For in a Pool Table
There are two general things professional pool players look for when investing in a pool table:
- The Bed Type – Professional players want a table with a slate bed. The slate can be a single piece or a single piece that was professionally cut into three smaller pieces. Slate is preferred because it does not warp like wood beds and can last a lifetime.
- The Size of the Table – Most professional pool players will choose a 9-foot table if they have sufficient space in their homes. As such, they are able to practice for professional tournaments on the same size table they compete on.
Buying a Pool Table for Your Home
When buying a pool table for your home, it can quickly become confusing when you are asked whether you want a standard size, regulation size, tournament size, or professional size pool table. The thing to remember is to select a pool table that will fit the room dimensions and allow for sufficient pool cue stick movement without hitting the walls or other objects.
Ideally, you should have room for an 8-foot or 9-foot table and a standard cue length of 58 inches. However, if the room dimensions are insufficient for an 8-foot or 9-foot table, it is perfectly acceptable to get a smaller table like a Bar Box 7-foot table or even a 6-foot table.
Custom Professional Pool Tables for Sale
It is easy to find the perfect pool table for your home in the size that will fit your room dimensions at Blatt Billiards. We offer a wide variety of semi-custom and economy pool tables, as well as custom tables handcrafted to your exact specifications.
In addition, we have the largest collection of various sizes of fully restored antique pool tables in the world. For further information about our custom professional pool tables, antique tables, or assistance in selecting the perfect pool table for your home, please feel free to visit one of our showrooms or contact us at 212-674-8855 today!
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